Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

Stories and Poems About Mountains
by DouglasIMPORTANT NOTE: This is a piece of a longer writing project. You can view the entire project here: Stories and Poems About Mountains

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on August 31, 2008
"This is all 100% true - right up to the very last sentence.
I hope."
I hope."
Monadnock Mountain
From where I sit I can see a middle aged Korean couple, happily eating sandwiches and chattering away in a language that is completely incomprehensible to me. I can also see a young man and woman, half-hidden by a large boulder, giggling, and smooching shamelessly.On the next boulder to my right there is a little girl with a bottle of bubble-making solution, and she is waving her bubble-wand with delighted abandon, sending a flurry of glistening globes across the summit.
A boy, slightly older than the girl with the bubbles, has his back turned to her, so he is taken completely by surprise when the soapy orbs float by his head. "No need for alarm," I call out, laughing, "they are are a completely natural phenomenon."
The boy's father laughs and adds, "That's right. They bubble up out of the rocks whenever the temperature gets just right."
From where I sit I count a total of 68 people visible on the summit, and I suppose that there might be another three score or more, hidden from my view by the boulders.
Between the horrendous crowds of people, and the horizon line which is surprisingly flat and uninteresting considering I'm on a New Hampshire summit, it is hard for me to believe that I'm on a mountain peak at all.
But at least I didn't wait another year to hike this one; they say that by spring of 2010, the theme park and mini-golf course will be complete.
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