Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on April 15, 2008
"Here's a different version of the Moon Landing Hoax poem. Same idea, mostly the same rhymes, but a totally different meter"
Moon Landing Hoax (Anapestic version)
Have you heard that our astronauts made the long tripFrom the earth to the moon in a grand rocket ship?
There are some who believe that this story is so,
But I know that they're wrong, and I'll tell how I know.
Yes, I've seen all the films that show them at play,
On the face of the moon, on a fine summer day,
With those clumsy and cumbersome full-body suits,
From their helmets, like globes, to their big heavy boots.
Like you, I have watched as they skipped with such ease,
And they made all that jumping seem just like a breeze.
Though it seems so absurd that they jumped to such height,
We believe in that film, for it's there in plain sight.
But I found myself thinking, it could be a sham
Using slow-motion cameras and wires to scam.
With a world full of hoaxes, it's easy to doubt,
So I thought I should tell you, I figured it out:
On one dark but clear night as I looked on the sky,
I knew it was fake, and I realized just why.
Don't believe all those stories that NASA invents;
For the moon is exactly the size of a cent.
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