Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
Speed Limit 35
Did you not see me? I've been standing here by the side of the road every day for the last twenty years, and you've driven by me every day of your life. I haven't changed my message a bit. Slow Down!Did you think I was standing here for my own health? Do you think I enjoy just standing motionless by the side of the road presenting the same message every single day of my life to people who speed on by and ignore what I'm saying? No, I'm here for your well being, and for the security of people who live nearby. Ignore me to your own peril, and the peril of others.
Did you think that I was joking? Did you think that by laughing and jeering with your friends about my simple instruction, you could make me go away? No matter how rudely you dismiss me, I'm still here.
Did you think that by defacing my message you could get away with something? Changing my three to an eight with black spray paint doesn't make the speed limit 85. No matter how my words are misrepresented, misquoted, or obliterated, the truth of my words, obscured as they might be, still stands, and you are still responsible to heed my message.
All in all, I think I'm beginning to understand what it would be like to be a parent.
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