Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on February 1, 2009
"It's probably easier to see how this idea came to me while reading Rhodes' The Making of the Atomic Bomb."
A Grim Battle
The soldiers stood and stared across the lineAt dreadful foes with guns and bayonets.
The ground below was strewn with hidden mines,
Yet bravely they attacked with no regrets.
As day led on to twilight's gath'ring gloom,
Determined men fought o'er contested ground
While eager Death led many to their doom
And corpses piled, a grim and grisly mound.
This tragedy of tanks and men and guns,
'Twas too abhorrent ever to discuss.
But when, at last, it all was said and done,
The battle's outcome was determined thus:
Though I was pleased to have obtained a seven,
My stupid little brother rolled eleven.
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