Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on January 2, 2009
"I actually don't think this was a waste of time. I think this is a good exercise for anyone interested in writing poetry."
Wasting Time
Did you ever notice, when you have a lot to do, it's easiest to stall and waste your time on things that simply do not matter - or advance your goals - instead of persevering in the tasks at hand? It's foolish and absurd, I know, but that - I think - is pure and simple human nature. We, the members of the human race, will always find excuses, good or bad, to keep ourselves from doing things which must be done. I find that this is often true of me as well; when jobs that need attention lie before me in a heap of grueling labor, that's when I, perpetual procrastinator, waste my time on foolish things like writing paragraphs that flow along in perfect, smooth iambic meter.More writing by this author
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