Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on April 19, 2012
"Okay, so yesterday I wrote a poem about the skunk that walked by our house. It turns out he DIDN'T walk by...he got smeared into the pavement. :P
By the end of the day a vulture was performing his custodial duties, which inspired this poem.
If the word "inspired" can be used for a poem like this. :P"
By the end of the day a vulture was performing his custodial duties, which inspired this poem.
If the word "inspired" can be used for a poem like this. :P"
The Vulture
The vulture is (or so I've heard)The most revolting, nasty bird.
But I, my friend, have now inferred
These allegations are absurd.
For he alone could e'er invent
A plan more neat and elegant
Than just to bury in cement
My dear departed elephant.
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