Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction
The Computer
"So, what I do is, I just press the letters to spell out the words?""That's right."
"And they show up here, by this blinking thing?"
"Mmm hmmm."
"And what about that timer?"
"That's just counting how long you've been typing."
"But I haven't even started yet!"
"It doesn't know that. So you'd better get started!"
"And I only have fifteen minutes?"
"Well, that's the general idea. You can take longer if you want, but the fifteen minutes helps you learn how to be succinct and efficient in how you tell your story."
"What are you saying?"
"Oh nothing, Victor."
"I think I should take this computer thing back to my century."
"Oh yes! Having this would make my writing a whole lot less miserable."
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