Yearly archive for 2019.

Merry Christmas! The Problem Site has two quick pieces of information to share with you this morning.
- Finally, our paper-craft ornaments are here! You can find cubes, dodecahdrons, icosahedrons and crosses, as well as tutorials for designing and executing your own craft ideas.
- Sometime in the next couple weeks we anticipate a short down-time for the site. This will probably be no more than a half an hour, but could take longer, as we transfer the site to a more powerful server. We've planned this down-time for Christmas vacation, as it is the lowest-traffic time of the year. In addition, we'll attempt to make the change-over happen early in the morning, eastern time. This will result in the least interruption for the majority of our users.
May you have a blessed holiday season, and a wonderful new year!
PS - if you're wondering about relative difficulty of the ornament projects, the cube is the easiest, and the dodecahedron is the hardest!
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