Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on October 11, 2007
"This silly piece of writing was written in retaliation for Jeorge's unprecedented and unwarranted attack on ventriloquists
Yeah. ;)"
Yeah. ;)"
Diabolical and Deviously Deceptive Dodos
Diabolical and deviously deceptive dodos delve deeply downward and discover distressed and dismayed Dobermans, Dalmatians and Dachshunds, dispersing dogcatchers with disintegrating devices, while deviant dodo doppelgangers with dandruff display doglike devotion toward Doug, the dictatorial director who devours divinity fudge, donuts, and dumplings with distinguished disdain, while Donald Duck diverts diplomatic documents to Denmark and Djibouti.More writing by this author
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