Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on February 25, 2008
"Yes, there is music that goes with this one as well. Still working on it, though."
Abide in Me
Don't let your heart be troubledDon't let your heart be afraid
Believe in God, believe in Me -
The truth, the life, the way
Believe in God, believe in Me -
The truth, the life, the way
I am the true and only vine
I am the source of all life
Abide in Me, and I in you,
If you would bear much fruit
Abide in Me, and I in you,
If you would bear much fruit
Abide in Me, Abide in Me,
You shall find no greater place to be
This is My Word I've given you
This is My great command
Love one another as I've loved you
And laid down my life for my friends
Love one another as I've loved you
And laid down my life for my friends
Abide in Me, Abide in Me,
You shall find no greater place to be
I am the true and only vine
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