Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on June 27, 2008
"This poem uses parallelism, like many of the Psalms and Proverbs of the Bible. Instead of focusing on rhythm and rhyme, I mostly concentrated on parallel meanings from one line to the next."
The Song of God
The breath of the Lord is full of life;From His mouth comes deliverance and hope.
His voice shapes mighty mountain crags,
And sculpts out the hollows of every sea.
He sings and His melody is truth;
In His harmony no falsehood is found.
Hear beauty pour from His every word;
And strength from the glory of His command.
In low humility, bow down before Him;
Lift up your eyes in wonder and awe.
May His songs ever echo in heaven above;
May His words ever flood the earth below.
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