Writing Resources from Fifteen Minutes of Fiction

The following is a piece of writing submitted by Douglas on June 27, 2010
"There's freedom, and then there's Freedom."
After the Festivities
When the sparklers have sparked and the cannons have boomed,And the flags have been flown and the flowers have bloomed,
When the coleslaw arrives and the meat has been grilled,
And the children have played and the bellies are filled,
When the families have left after long, fond good-byes,
And the tables are cleared, we sit back with a sigh,
Then we doze and digest with a satisfied smile,
And with fondness remember the day for awhile;
But perhaps in the midst of the party and fun,
We've lost sight of the way that our freedom was won;
Let us never forget the great war that was fought,
And the price for our freedom, in blood dearly bought -
For the wisest of Men said that Truth sets you free,
And to let freedom ring, Truth was nailed to a tree.
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