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Sharing the Bread is a simple, rhyming celebration of an old-fashioned Thanksgiving dinner, more accessible for younger children than Sarah Gives Thanks, but set in approximately the same time period.
The book features warm and cheery illustrations, and introduces various members of an extended family as they go about their tasks of preparing for Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone has a job to do -- even the baby, which is mostly just to sleep while others work! At the end, the family joins hands and gives thanks for food and family.
I loved the nostalgia evoked here, and the simplicity of the process, but for young children it can also serve as a broad reminder (since a year is a long time for a little one) of what Thanksgiving is all about.
Scrounged From: Our local library
Format: Hardcover
Author: Pat Zietlow Miller
Illustrator: Jill McElmurry
Pages: 32
Content Advisory: None
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